Spring Fling -May 3, 2025

Join us for an evening of Wine, Beer and Food Tastings

6-9 pm

Sacramento Portuguese Hall

Soroptimist International of Sacramento empowers women and girls through access to education. Your participation will help fund the Soroptimist Live Your Dream progam that provides education awards to women that are the primary financial support for their families.

Soroptimist International of Sacramento is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID 94-6174161)

Attendees must be age 21 or older.

Link to purchase tickets

Early bird $50 + $2 service fee

Early bird tickets on sale until April 2

($60 starting on April 3 and $75 at the door)













Soroptimist International of Sacramento begins its second century of service to women and girls

Soroptimist International Sacramento (SIS) is part of a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls access to the education and training needed to achieve economic empowerment. SIS is proud of its 101 year history and the impacts it has made in the community and the lives of women and girls.

For a commemorative video and to browse media coverage for SI Sacramento’s 100th Year Celebration in March 2023:
Video: SIS Celebrates 100 Years
East Sacramento News Article
Channel 40 coverage
Inside Publications article







Meetings held at Swanston Community Center on 1st and 3rd Fridays: 2350 Northrop Avenue, Sacramento...


Live Your Dream Awards

March 21, 2025 -

Business Meeting

April 04, 2025 -


Soroptimist International of Sacramento accomplishes much of its mission through utilizing and implementing the Soroptimist International of the Americas’ Dream Programs.

Live Your Dream –

Every year, Sacramento Soroptimist awards at least two grants to women who are the economic heads of their households. These grants are used to improve the education or career training of these women so they can improve their economic situation. See Grants & Scholarships section for more information.

Dream It, Be It –

Soroptimist of Sacramento presents this program to teen aged girls who face obstacles to their future success in order to help them improve their self-image and their chances for training for a successful career. See Program Activities section for more information.


Soroptimist International of Sacramento is proud of its unique program for providing college scholarships each year to eligible young women within the Sacramento community. These scholarships are funded by endowment funds which have been contributed by Soroptimist club members, former club members or families of former or current club members. Four to eight scholarships are presented each year through an application process open to young women students in the Sacramento area. See Grants & Scholarships section for more information.

Sacramento Community Grants and Services

Soroptimist International of Sacramento has provided grants to other non-profit agencies in the Sacramento area whose programs also work toward the fulfillment of our Soroptimist Vision, Mission, and Values. See Program Activities section for more information.

Sacramento Soroptimist Money Matters Program

This program has been designed and implemented by our club members and teaches women and high school girls in the Sacramento region how to manage their personal finances. See Grants & Programs section for more information.

Soroptimist of Sacramento Meetings


Sacramento Soroptimist usually meets for lunch at Swanston Community Center, at 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Friday of each month except July and August. In holiday months, meeting dates or location may vary; see the online Club Calendar.

Soroptimist of Sacramento is the fourth oldest active Soroptimist club in the world. Our members have worked continuously through all those years to provide services to our community and to the world. We would welcome to membership anyone who shares our Vision, Mission and Values.

Please visit our Soroptimist International of Sacramento Membership page to see how you can be our guest at a club meeting or join us at one of our upcoming events to explore being a part of this worldwide organization. See Membership section for more information.


Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.